Shakespeare portrait

Shakespeare Scanned

The plays in visual pentameter
Plus works by others

Chaucer cut to 156 wide

The plays — Essays on verse

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The Plays    
All's Well That Ends Well sh-allswel-txt.pdf
Antony and Cleopatra sh-antony-txt.pdf
As You Like It sh-asyulik-txt.pdf
The Comedy of Errors sh-comedy-txt.pdf
Coriolanus sh-corio-txt.pdf
Cymbeline sh-cymbl-txt.pdf
Hamlet sh-ham-txt.pdf
Henry IV, Part 1 sh-hen4pt1-txt.pdf
Henry IV, Part 2 sh-hen4pt2-txt.pdf
Henry V sh-hen5-txt.pdf
Henry VI, part 1 sh-hen6pt1-txt.pdf
Henry VI, part 2 sh-hen6pt2-txt.pdf
Henry VI, part 3 sh-hen6pt3-txt.pdf
Julius Caesar sh-julius-txt.pdf
King John sh-john-txt.pdf
King Lear sh-lear-txt.pdf
Love's Labor's Lost sh-lovslab-txt.pdf
Macbeth sh-mac-txt.pdf
Measure for Measure sh-measr-txt.pdf
The Merchant of Venice sh-mrchnt-txt.pdf
A Midsummer Night's Dream sh-midsmr-txt.pdf
Much Ado About Nothing sh-muchado-txt.pdf
Othello sh-othlo-txt.pdf
Richard II sh-rich2-txt.pdf
Richard III sh-rich3-txt.pdf
Romeo and Juliet sh-romeo-txt.pdf
The Taming of the Shrew sh-taming-txt.pdf
The Tempest sh-tempst-txt.pdf
Titus Andronicus sh-titus-txt.pdf
Troilus and Cressida sh-troil-txt.pdf
Twelfth Night sh-twelfth-txt.pdf
The Two Gentlemen of Verona sh-twogent-txt.pdf
The Winter's Tale sh-winter-txt.pdf
Statistical Summation sh-stats.pdf
Shakespeare’s and Ruden’s pentameter sh-ruden.pdf
Shakespeare’s Dropping g’s sh-dropping-gs.pdf
Counting Alexandrines in TGV sh-countin-alex.pdf
Suffix -ism’s Syllabicity sh-suffix-ism.pdf
Grave on suffix -ed in CE sh-suffix-ed.pdf
Review of Hall's   Shakespeare's Advice to the Players sh-hall-review.pdf
Mark Twain on Reading Verse sh-twain-vers.pdf
Bing Crosby and Line-ends sh-crosby-lines.pdf